What can we do for you?
No project is too big or too small for Meyers Painting. From apartment complexes to industrial sites to office buildings, Meyers Painting consistently delivers high quality work and exceptional service.
Residential Work
Interior Painting
Exterior Painting
Wallpaper Removal
Fire/Water Damage
Garage Floors
Textured Ceilings
Trim Finishing
DryWall Repair
Driveways & Walkways (Concrete)
Masonry Surfaces
Wood, Composite & Vinyl
Decks, Fences, Railings
Mildew Removal
Metal Finishing
Grafitti Removal
Paint Removal
Anti-Graffiti Coating Application
Cabinet Work
Application Specialist
Hardware installation
Pressure Washing
Residential Building Washing: wood, vinyl, stucco, brick, metal, and masonry
Roof Washing
Pool Decks-cleaning,staining & sealing
Wood Decks-cleaning, staining & sealing
Concrete Restoration-cleaning, repair, staining, and sealing of driveways, patios, and sidewalks
Parking Structure and Parking Lot Washing-oil stain removal, parking stripe removal
Dumpster Pad Cleaning
Drive Thru Cleaning
Rust Stain Removal Featuring F9 Barc Roof
Commercial Work
Interior/Exterior Painting
Quick Turns
Textured Walls/Ceilings
DryWall Repair
Fire/Water Damage
Mildew Removal
Get a free, no obligation estimate!
Simplify the painting process with our hassle-free estimate service, where we provide a quick and accurate assessment of your project, ensuring transparency and peace of mind. Enjoy a stress-free experience as we guide you through the details, delivering a straightforward and reliable estimate tailored to your painting needs.
We are committed to environmental responsibility.
As a green-friendly painting company, we prioritize sustainable practices throughout our entire process. From selecting eco-friendly paint options to implementing proper waste disposal methods, we strive to minimize our environmental footprint.